My Encounter with Armed Robbers.

David Patrick
3 min readAug 11, 2023


Armed robbery victim.

It was an ordinary evening, the sun was setting, and I was heading home after finishing work at the store. I had spent the day stacking shelves and helping customers. As I stepped outside, the street was quiet, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves on the trees.

I started walking, lost in my thoughts about the day. The streetlights were casting a soft glow on the pavement, and everything seemed peaceful. But suddenly, something strange happened.

Out of nowhere, I got this weird feeling, like a shiver down my spine. I turned around, and my heart started racing. There they were, a group of guys wearing masks, their faces hidden. They looked serious and had something shiny in their hands. It was guns. My heart pounded faster.

Fear flooded me, and for a moment, my mind went blank. It was like I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. These guys were armed robbers, and I was in their way. It felt like a nightmare, the kind where you can’t move no matter how hard you try.

They closed in around me, and I could see the coldness in their eyes. One of them stepped forward, his voice rough as he demanded my things. My hands were shaking as I tried to get my wallet and phone out of my pockets. My mind was racing, and all I wanted was for them to take what they wanted and leave.

They grabbed my stuff and quickly backed away, disappearing into the darkness. I was left standing there, my heart pounding, and a rush of thoughts swirling in my head. I felt violated and scared. It was like my whole world had been turned upside down in an instant.

But then, something unexpected happened. As one of the robbers glanced back at me, our eyes met for a brief moment. In that instant, I saw something in his eyes — a flicker of uncertainty. It was like he wasn’t entirely sure about what he was doing. It surprised me.

In that split second, a mix of emotions flooded me — fear, anger, confusion, but also something strange. It was empathy. I know it sounds odd, but in that moment, I saw them as more than just criminals. I saw them as people who might be struggling or desperate. People who had reasons I didn’t fully understand.

After that quick exchange, the robbers vanished into the night, leaving me standing there, still shaken. The emotions inside me were like a whirlwind. I felt invaded and scared, but I also felt a weird connection to those guys. It was like I had glimpsed their humanity in the midst of the chaos.

As I made my way home, my thoughts were racing. I couldn’t shake off that moment of connection, that tiny doubt I saw in the robber’s eyes. It made me see things differently, made me question the world around me.



David Patrick

A passionate traveler and storyteller. Sharing my adventures and insights from around the world. Join me and explore the wonders of our planet.